30 December 2016
Many people dream of being their own boss. Some business owners will start out in their homes and eventually move into larger commercial properties as their businesses grow. But leasing a commercial property can lead to a nightmare if you aren't careful. If you are ready to move your home based business to a commercial property, here are a few important things to consider so your dream doesn't turn into a nightmare.
14 December 2016
If you are selling a property, don't sit back and relax after signing a contract with a real estate agent. You also need to participate in the sales process if you want your property to sell fast. Here are four ways in which you can contribute: Be Flexible With Viewings When selling a property, you want as many people as possible to view it since you never know who will eventually buy it.
29 November 2016
When you own an investment property occupied by tenants, you might eventually wish to sell the home. In some cases, the tenants will need to leave the property when you sell it; in other cases, you'll find a buyer who will also use the property as an investment, which means that the tenants will stay. Regardless of the eventual outcome, you need to remember that selling the home should necessitate regular communication with the tenants.
21 October 2016
If your home has been on the market for weeks or months without a single offer, you may be wondering what you're doing wrong. While the home selling process can certainly be frustrating, there are a number of things you can avoid doing to ease your frustrations and increase the odds of your home selling. Below are three possible reasons your home may not be selling and what you can do to fix them.
11 October 2016
With all of the real estate agencies out there, how do you choose the right one? If you are just buying a house, there are only a few factors that really affect who you choose as your real estate agency and who you work with as an agent. One of those factors should not be your interest in certain properties. Here are the reasons why and how to choose a real estate agency otherwise.
26 September 2016
If you are looking for commercial real estate investors, one area you should search is among foreign real estate investors. International investment is becoming more attractive because governments around the world, including in the U.S., have eased restrictions both on inbound and outbound investments. There are many other reasons why you should look abroad for investors. By knowing specifically why the United States is an attractive market, it will be easier to promote U.
19 September 2016
If you're in the market for a new home, you have quite a few decisions to make. You need to determine where the house should be located, along with making sure that it has all of the features that make you feel comfortable while relaxing in your abode. Although you may be mainly focused on the price, there are a number of other things that you should look for. Use this information to learn two tips that can help tailor your decision when you're buying a house.